Reflections on the Future

I hope you take the time to watch the video above. This comes from our Presiding Bishop of the ELCA; Elizabeth Eaton. This video will be shown at the synod assemblies across the United States, however I believe this is too good not to share with you! Bishop Eaton is reflecting on the future of the ELCA and these are good words for us to ponder. It seems like it is a time to “take stock” of where we are and where God wants us to be in the future.

Starting in June, I will be preaching on the Core Values of Bethel so that we may begin to think about how do we live into the things we value in order that we may make a larger impact in our community for Jesus.

Maybe this video will spark some thoughts and ideas of how we live into our journey together.

God bless you,
Pr. Ben
