Why is Christmas important? We discover that God takes a step towards us in love! Listen in as Pr. Ben reminds us of why we need Christmas in our lives today.
If you want joy in your life, peace comes first. Once you grasp the peace of Christ, then you have room for joy. Listen in and find out how to increase your joy!
Sometimes we need a perspective check to change our mindsets. If we want peace, you need to look beyond what you see. This message begins and ends with a song to help us understand the peace that Jesus offers.
We conclude our God is in Charge series with Christ is our King because it is Christ the King weekend. What does it mean to claim Christ as our King. It may not be as easy as saying it. Listen in and find out!
Either God is sovereign or God is not. Over the next 3 weeks we will see how God is in charge! In this message, we discover that all are accountable to God, including leaders.
We get so caught up in living life that we forget about the ultimate win of eternal life. On All Saints Day, we hear how we are already saints and how that happens.
We continue in our series on Winners and Losers and we turn our attention to Martin Luther and Reformation Sunday. Most of his life was losing but he remained faithful.
We continue on in our sermon series on winning and losing. For the second time, Jesus needs to explain to the disciples that life isn’t about winning or being the “top dog.”
We being a new sermon series about winning and losing. This mindset can cause and has caused a lot of problems in our world. Jesus has something to say to us about leaving this harmful point of view behind.
We value learning as Christians. Specifically, we value learning from Jesus who taught us love and not hate. Explore this core value and see how your life can be better with Jesus’ instruction in your life.