Article: Peace and Uncertainty

This past weekend I began a sermon series on Joseph. If you didn’t hear the message, you can listen to it here: Joseph Sermon .

Joseph’s life was filled with lots of downs. More downs that ups. It was as if he lived in the proverbial “valley of the shadow of death” for most of his life.

This week, I have been thinking about what tools and characteristics we need to navigate the most difficult times of our lives like Joseph. Without a doubt trusting God is the first and most important thing. We have very little control over much in this in life, therefore it makes perfect sense to trust in the One who holds the whole world in His hands.

I am speaking of Jesus. He’s in control of all the stuff that is beyond our grasp.

At the Last Supper before his death, the disciples knew something was wrong. They could feel it but couldn’t name it. In that moment, Jesus speaks to the uneasiness of their hearts.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” John 14:1

The disciples didn’t know Jesus was about to be arrested, beaten and killed, but Jesus did. They knew something was wrong, but they couldn’t figure out what it was. Jesus tells them to trust God and to trust him.

Joseph of the Old Testament trusted God in times of great uncertainty and tragedy. Now Jesus is reminding the disciples to do the same.

God was about to take a broken human situation and turn it into a divine miracle. God was about to take the sinful plotting of Jesus arrest and crucifixion and turn it into: resurrection, forgiveness and power.

The soulless of plotting Jesus’ death (because they were threatened by him) ended up becoming the greatest miracle in the history of humanity on Easter morning.

But at the Last Supper, there was only sorrow and worry. Jesus told the disciples to trust God and to trust him. God is in control. Don’t worry about what other people are doing or what the situation is in the current moment… trust God, trust Jesus.

Later that same evening, Jesus gave the disciples a gift before his arrest and death. Jesus chose this “thing” above anything else. That tells me this “thing” is important.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

Jesus chose to give the disciples the gift of peace above everything else. He didn’t give them power or patience or even perseverance. All of those are good, why did Jesus offer peace above those other good and needed things?

When we are worried, scared or unsure we will make poor decisions based in fear or anger. When we trust Jesus AND have peace, we are able to surrender ourselves to his care in the bleakest of situations.

Peace will give you ability to trust Jesus even more than you do today.

God bless you,
Pastor Ben

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