Have you ever heard of the term “The Butterfly Effect?” The term was coined by Edward Lorenz a research meteorologist who designed a computer program to model the weather. He was able to reduce weather into several formulas that were able to be predicted.

In 1961 Lorenz was busy and wanted to shortcut his weather models by starting ½ way through. He inputted the numbers but rounded them off in order to hurry this up.
The output, the simulated weather pattern or prediction was significantly different than his earlier printout. He realized that rounding off the numbers made a significant difference. One one-thousandth or hundred thousandth made a huge difference.
Or to relate it to the Butterfly effect—tiny changes brought by a butterfly flapping his wings in San Francisco has the power to transform the weather in New York.
Meteorologists doubt that a butterfly in California can truly affect the weather on the east coast BUT it is the recognition that little things affect big change.
I am not here to talk about the weather, but the Butterfly Effect has some validity as it relates to humanity.
Think about it. One man from a remote part of the planet preached love and peace and he changed the world. Jesus changed the world’s future with his message. Without Jesus, the world we live in would be completely different. Not just in mindset or belief but the things his followers accomplished in his name would also be erased or irrevocably different.
One person can make all the difference.
Before the pandemic, I went to UNLV to hear Father Greg Boyle speak. Father Boyle founded Homeboy Industries which helps gang members in Los Angeles become more than they ever could be in a gang. Father Boyle’s work has transformed many, many lives including the city itself.

The Butterfly Effect is real… at least as it relates to people.
Believe it or not, you and I can make a difference too.
If you worship with us on a regular basis at Community Lutheran Church communitylv.org, I have repeatedly cautioned those who worship there will be a “day after” the election. What we do right now will have a direct impact on November 4th.
In a world of hate, I choose to be kind to individuals. I may stand against what they are for but I don’t need to hate them.
I believe in love. I believe in Jesus. And I believe that those two things can change the world.

God bless,
Pr. Ben