We are almost there. Election day is around the corner.
Are you ready for this season to be over? Really?
I hear the rumblings of a few that they are willing to move on after November 3rd provided their candidate of choice wins. And if they don’t it is either it is a case of voter fraud or voter suppression depending upon what side they are on.
I see a very immature response on the part of some in this election cycle who want to fight, argue or even name call. As I preached about several weeks ago, I was falsely accused of taking a side of a very specific political issue and then lectured to (online) about how this is the wrong position. The funny thing is, I wasn’t talking about that issue or anything related to it. We are polarized and for many people everything is seen through the lens of politics. As it turns out, some aren’t seeing things as clearly as they thought.
Are you ready to let go of the anger and hate?
Politics has become a religion with different denominations. Judgment and condemnation are for those who don’t follow the right leader. It is time to see that all of this is hurting our society even our churches in this country.
It is time to move beyond the tribal notion that God is a Republican or a Democrat. Christ is neither.

I am more concerned about how people treat others than who they vote for. After all, Jesus reminds us to “love our neighbor as ourselves” without a disclaimer stating who is excluded from this unconditional kindness.
Near the end of November, we will once again celebrate Christ the King Sunday. We remember that Jesus as our eternal king. Not one day, but right now. Jesus is our king today and forever.

That is a statement I can get behind. Jesus is my king. I am all for what He stands for… unconditional love, kindness, caring for those in need, healing for those who suffer, a voice for the voiceless, compassion, empathy and a seat at the table for anyone who wants to be in the presence of Christ.
It is time to move forward in Christ and in love.
Pr. Ben
Very well stated! Of course we should love one another – there is no room for hate in Christian life, but there is plenty of room for disagreement!
Thank you Tony!
Thanks Jenny!
People that don’t fallow the teaching of our King Jesus there not Christin
Yes! compassion and empathy could replace the anger and hate so prevalent right now – and feel better and do more. Thanks, Pr. Ben
Thank you Toni! I appreciate it!!
Now more than ever….. Remembering that what counts is…..”Faith expressing itself through love”… thanks Pastor Ben for that reminder!???❤️
Glad you remember that! The only thing that counts!!!
Your thoughts are a breath of fresh air in a very stale and nasty environment. I pray that respect and love will win on November 3rd….thanks Pastor Ben.
Thank you!!!