Article: Let’s Go See…

It is Thursday before Christmas and all through the church… the Bethel staff have been working feverishly! They are getting ready for services on Christmas Eve. That is no exaggeration. Every staff person who came to church today has been tying up all the loose ends of all our Christmas planning to make sure everyone who worships with us on Saturday experiences the love God.

That may not be inspirational writing to you, but it is extremely inspirational to me! I see the care and dedication first hand and it warms my heart. I am blessed to work alongside these people every day.  If you are a member of Bethel Lutheran Church, I want you to know what a great team we have!

My hope and prayer is that you (where ever you are) go and worship this weekend. I can’t help but think about the shepherds in the Christmas story. After the angels come and scare the heck out of them, they say to themselves, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” Luke 2:15

 They most likely leave behind the only thing in their charge and their only asset: sheep. The leave the fields and head into town to find a baby who is the savior and the Lord (God). That is typical of God’s call. Leave everything behind and go.

Later, when this baby grows up, he says this to someone- “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 Repeatedly, Jesus tells people to leave what they have or what they are doing and follow him. From my own experience, I know that when I seek Jesus first, everything else falls into place. That is not to say that my life is perfect but I do know that things are better when I follow Jesus.

For me it began by being a shepherd just like in the Christmas story. What do I mean by that? Someone told the shepherds to go and they went. My life has been a lot like that… Someone told me to go to church and so I did. Someone told me to go to church camp and so I did. Someone told I should think about going to seminary and so I did. Someone asked me to come to Las Vegas to be a pastor and so I did. I could go on, but you catch my drift.

Often the voice of God sounds a lot like other Christians you know. People like: moms, dads, siblings, friends and spouses.

So be a shepherd on Saturday and go find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying a manger. Where you ask? The closest church…Bethel or otherwise.

I wish you a blessed and peaceful Christmas from the bottom of my heart.

With love,
Pr. Ben


2 thoughts on “Article: Let’s Go See…

  1. Hi Pastor, Enjoyed your thoughts on this and never appreciated the parallels between “comments” and “suggestions” from our loved ones and how they might relate to God’s directions for us…..very comforting. Thank you for sharing!

    Mona Chan

    1. Hi Mona,
      Thanks for the kind words! Of course not everything someone else says is from God– but we certainly need to be listening. God definitely works through the words and actions of people. I always try to be listening for God in my conversations! Merry Christmas!!

      Pr. Ben

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