Have you ever heard of people setting up lending libraries outside? A talented carpenter might build a box with glass doors and set it up outside so that people can borrow books. It is an act of kindness and generosity knowing they might not get the books back.

Yesterday, I ran across a different kind of lending library that made me smile…
Andrew Taylor noticed that there was a lack of good sticks at his local park, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Taylor from Kaiapoi, New Zealand had been chopping off excess branches from some trees in his yard when he decided to make them into a “Stick Library” for all the local pups.
After chopping up the branches into several dozen conveniently-sized pieces, he put them into a hand-crafted box emblazoned with the words “Stick Library: Please Return” and brought it to the local park.

Since Taylor and his daughter hosted a small neighborhood inauguration party for the Stick Library, more than 50 dogs and their owners have enjoyed a game of fetch with the sticks.
You might be thinking, “so what?”
I shared this story because kindness is lacking these days. Community is built when we extend ourselves to others. It doesn’t just happen. Let me ask, do you have a neighborhood, or do you just live around a bunch of other people? There is a difference.
I also see our church as a neighborhood. Do you extend kindness and hospitality to those who recently moved in or “live” on the other side of the sanctuary? If not, it is time to do more than look at the top of your shoes or only talk to the neighbors you know and like. Our future is tied to the kindness we extend to others.
Here is why: when we extend ourselves to others in kindness, deep connections are made. As a matter of fact, kindness is one of the signs of the Holy Spirit showing up in your life. (See Galatians 5:22-23)

As we approach Christmas, let us not forget about our God who extended kindness to us by coming to us and then extended his hands on a cross to forgive us.

God bless you and Merry Christmas,
Pr. Ben