Its been several weeks since I wrote an article and a lot has happened since my last article.
I moved from Northern California to Las Vegas, NV.
I returned to Community Lutheran Church to serve as their Senior Pastor. (I was once an Associate Pastor at CLC. I got a promotion!)
Rachel my wife had major surgery.
My mother fractured a vertebra and had one surgery and is facing another surgery next week.
Honestly there is more, but I think you get the picture. There is a lot going on.
I could focus on all the things that aren’t going right or I can be thankful. We all have that choice. What have you chosen?
I am thankful to be back in Las Vegas and have a beautiful condominium to call home.
I am thankful for the outpouring of love and support from Community Lutheran Church and my previous congregation Bethel Lutheran Church.
I am thankful that I feel like I am home (even though Rachel is not with me yet).
I am thankful Rachel does not need chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
I am thankful my mother is being treated by the best spinal surgeon in Northern Iowa.
It is easy to get bogged down with bad news and feel hopeless. Saint Paul once asked a thought-provoking rhetorical question about difficult circumstances. This is what he asks in Romans 8…
Does it mean God no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? Romans 8:35
Sometimes it feels like God is far away when life isn’t going our way. When we live with a circumstantial faith, we interpret every positive and negative event as proof that God either loves us or is upset with us. However, that is not Saint Paul’s conclusion!
He answers his own rhetorical question this way…
No, despite all these (bad) things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:37
I get it, we don’t feel very victorious after receiving bad news or being in the hospital or not being able to pay all your bills. Yet, Saint Paul (who did not have an easy life as a Christian) didn’t let the circumstances of his life get in the way of claiming God’s unconditional love for himself even in the hardest of times.
No one wants or asks for difficult circumstances and hardly anyone feels victorious in the middle of a personal struggle. Yet Jesus is still there loving on us.
Shortly before Rachel’s surgery, I was an emotional mess. I was ugly crying and did not have a “stiff upper lip.” (I hope Rachel doesn’t remember this.) It was then I started praying to my “dad” in heaven. I know that might sound odd but I needed the comfort and intimacy of God and using the title “Heavenly Father” wasn’t enough for me in that moment.
Jesus told his disciples to refer to God as “Abba” in the Lord’s prayer. The word means “father.” But I never called my own dad “father.” In my saddest, uncertain moments of the past month, I called out to my “dad up in heaven”. It brought me great comfort knowing God is like a dad who will watch over his kids (like me).
As I begin this new call at Community Lutheran Church, I know that Jesus is here too. God knows that CLC has had a special place in my heart for over 20 years. If you are reading this and you are a member of Community, please know that I am fully committed to you and this church. I never thought in a million years I would ever be “back” but here I am and I feel blessed to be your pastor.
God bless,
Pr. Ben

Just a shout out from One of your many Bethel supporters… Thanks for the reminder that “Faith expressing itself through love” can simply come from looking up in prayer….. from a big time Giants fan to a big time Cubs fan…… you guys are so loved ?
Matt! Thank you so much! Thanks for the love! Love you too!