If you go to Bethel Lutheran Church (I assume most people reading this are from Bethel) you are going to hear about Jonah’s response to God for not destroying Nineveh this Sunday. (If you need to catch up, you can listen to the first 3 sermons of this series on this website.)
BUT… it is also Transfiguration Sunday, but we aren’t really going to talk about it on Sunday because of Jonah. Sorry. Especially if that is your favorite church holiday. It is not a total loss, I am going to talk about the Transfiguration right now!
As the church calendar unfolds, this is the perfect Sunday for Transfiguration Sunday. Why you ask? Because it is the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. This Sunday we are reminded in the gospel reading that Jesus is the Son of God (Mark 9:2-9)! Then on Wednesday we begin the journey toward Calvary, toward Golgotha, toward the cross. We need the reminder of the Transfiguration before we get to Good Friday. We must not forget that Jesus the Savior took on sin and death for our sake. The Transfiguration reminds us that Jesus is not just another rabbi but God Himself!
The story of the Transfiguration within the gospel of Mark is found right in the middle of the story. Mark reminds us right in the middle of the gospel that Jesus is the Son of God. It is the second reminder we have received in the gospel story. Near the beginning, John baptizes Jesus and we hear the voice of God declaring that Jesus is God’s son. Mark doesn’t want us to forget this as we move toward the death and resurrection of Jesus. The message is clear, “Jesus is special.”
Shortly after the Transfiguration in Luke’s version of the gospel story it says, “As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Luke 9:51 That is why this Sunday is perfect for Transfiguration Sunday! Spiritually speaking, we begin our journey toward Jerusalem starting on Ash Wednesday with the declaration that Jesus is the Son of God on our minds.
I hope you make time to come to Ash Wednesday services next week (12pm or 7pm). I will be talking about love and why the season of Lent is all about love and our decision to return to the source of love. Jesus went to the cross because of God’s never ending love for us (John 3:16).
Last Sunday at our Congregational meeting, I talked about the importance of engaging people in loving conversations beyond our circle of friends at church. We are great extending hospitality to others but what is the next step? Growing closer in Christ Centered Community. Why is this important (beyond these being our core values)? Because it is a sign of God’s love in our lives and the lives of others.
Love is a powerful tool that is at our disposal. Let us stay close to the One who loved us so that we may love others in His name.
God bless,
Pr. Ben