Article: Synod Assemby 2024

Last week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) I was in Mesa, AZ for our annual synod assembly.

Synod Assembly in Mesa, AZ

Community Lutheran Church is connected to a larger church body known as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Within the ELCA, we are located within a synod (think area or district) in which we are connected to other ELCA Lutheran churches.

The Grand Canyon Synod’s boundaries include Saint George, UT, Southern Nevada and all of Arizona.

We gather once a year to do the business of the church. Last weekend was that meeting.

I went early to report to our synod council (like our church council) about the work of the national church.

At our synod assembly we re-elected our bishop, Deborah Hutterer to another 6 year term as our bishop.

Bishop Deborah Hutterer

We also heard reports about thriving ministries in our synod and how churches are innovating and doing their best to make an impact in our hurting world.

When we think of the church, we often think of our own congregation and rightfully so. Let us not forget that we are not only connected regionally but also nationally! Through our partnerships we are connected to the global Lutheran church through the Lutheran World Federation.  We are not an island.

Yours Truly Speaking at Assembly

I am reminded of what Presiding Bishop Eaton of the ELCA said at our last ELCA council meeting.

I am paraphrasing but essentially our Bishop said, “We are not a social service and we are not an NGO (Non Governmental Organization). We are the Church and we are called to share the good news of God’s love found in Jesus. That is our first and most important priority.”

Yes, we serve the community and each other. Yes, we do good works because of our faith in Christ. Above all, we are to share the name and love of Jesus with all who will listen.

As Saint Peter once wrote…

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect… 1Peter 3:15

God bless you,
Pastor Ben
