God declares this truth through the prophet Isaiah…
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11
I love this passage of scripture for several reasons.
First, I love that God describes the “water cycle” that most of us learned in grade school. Why am I intrigued by this? The ancient Israelites didn’t know about the “water cycle.” This is the wisdom of God on display and only later was it observed and named the “water cycle.” I know, I know, I am a nerdy.

Secondly, God declares that when God’s Word is read or proclaimed, it will never fall on deaf ears. Every time the Bible is referenced at home, at church or in the world God ensures that something will come of it because it will “accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

God’s intention and purpose is contained not only within the scriptures but also in every environment in which it is read out loud or silently. One could say that God’s wisdom and presence is manifest every time the Bible is opened.
Right now, in this moment, if you choose to open your Bible to read something, not only is God’s Word staring up at you from the page but God’s personally shows up to make sure that you are nourished by it. Wow.
God says this about his Word, “It will not return to me empty…” In other words, there is never a time that when we read the Bible it will empty of meaning. God guarantees it.

I believe these words from God in Isaiah. I know that when I begin to study God’s Word for every sermon that I preach, God is leading and instructing me to share what I have learned with everyone who attends worship. I know that God’s Word will touch people’s hearts because he promises to do so. I am only a vessel… this is all God’s work!
I am humbled to be used in such a powerful way. Thanks be to God and to Jesus be the glory!
God bless,
Pr. Ben