We’ve been spending some time on the weekends telling stories about people who found themselves in a “jam.” No likes obstacles or trouble, but they are a fact of life. Some of the most revered people of the Bible faced great difficulties.

The question is not how to avoid all potential jams because we can’t. The question at hand is how do we navigate the trouble when it is upon us? Certainly, some of our problems are self-inflicted and some are not. We can armchair quarterback the decisions we made in the past, but those conclusions don’t alter the present reality.
Psalm 23:4 reminds us how to face the problems of this life and clarifies the how we move forward.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

The operative word in this verse is “through.” We don’t backtrack, avoid, or circle around. We move through those less than pleasant experiences to get to the other side.
There is no way to avoid a jam– and spending any time to avoid life’s potholes will leave you empty and afraid.
With God’s help, we chart a course through the valley of the shadow of death. With God’s comfort, we can take the steps necessary to move beyond the current jam in our lives.
Jesus knows the valley of the shadow of death and its companion: Death Valley. No, not the one in California, but death itself. Jesus took the journey through both and emerged on Easter morning to aid us in our moments of fear and strife.
Jesus also gave us the gift of the Church so that we may always have each other too.
We don’t ever need to be alone in our struggles, and we are promised that Jesus will walk with us through everything, big or small.

Remember: Jam is always better when we share it with others.
God bless,
Pr. Ben