Article: Graduation Time

graduation cap and diploma


This is the season of graduations. Yes, people do graduate from various institutions at different times of the year but early June is when the vast of majority of people (young and old) graduate from schools.

A week ago today (Thursday) I picked up Carl’s high school diploma from his school. I have now looked at it several times and I am proud of him. Earlier this week at Bethel School we had both 5th grade graduation and pre-school promotion. Pre-school promotion isn’t exactly graduation but they are moving up in the world!

For those graduating, it is an exciting time. This is the time graduates celebrate a big accomplishment but also a time to look forward to something new. For some it is more school and for those who are older a time to find a new job, career and vocation.

Do you remember how you felt when you graduated from high school, college, or graduate school? I remember how excited I was to finish seminary and move to Las Vegas, NV to serve at Community Lutheran Church. I thought I knew it all and I was going to a dynamic church. Truth be told it was and still is a dynamic church, however I quickly learned I did not know everything. However it was an exciting time in my life!

Education of all types is important. I am reminded of Proverbs 18:15 that says, “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.” At any age of life we have things to learn. There may not be a graduation day for many of us, but we still have stuff to learn.

I read a lot. Sometimes it is audio books in the car and on the treadmill, sometimes it is an e-book and sometimes it is a book with paper pages! I enjoy learning something new about God, and the universe He created.

I encourage you to be a life-long learner. Don’t be stagnant or rely only on your experience. There is much to discover. But let us also encourage the younger people in our sphere of influence to find something they love and learn all they can about it. Passion is the key to self-study—even for us!

Before I end, I want to pray for all the graduates!

Heavenly Father,

I lift up to you everyone who is graduating from some level of school this year. We especially lift up our 5th grade graduates from Bethel School: Laurel, Esther, Riku, Mila and Elliot. May all graduates find a passion in a field of study so that they may share that knowledge with the rest of the world one day. We also ask that you inspire us to be life-long learners as well. Help us to dig deeper into your Word and learn more about you and the world around us.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,



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