We come to the last few days of the year with an eye on New Year’s Day. Even as the world has moved on from Christmas, that is the season we are in and will be until Epiphany on January 6th.
I know it seems odd that it is still Christmas. After all, the stores and the radio told you it was the Christmas season on the day after Thanksgiving. But here we are.
Before the season officially ends, let’s look at where we have been in the past month.
First, we created an alternative holiday to-do list…

- Be present in the lives of others instead of just buying presents
- Wrap others in love instead of just wrapping presents.
- Be the light instead of just going out to look at lights. (I really wanted this to be “eat cookies instead of making them.”)
- Send peace to others by reaching out and contacting someone.
Of course, these are things we can do all year long and I personally will strive to do those things with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Although we didn’t look at all the stories of Jesus when he was an infant, let’s take a quick peek. These stories tell us something about Jesus’ identity and his future.

- The angels announced the birth to shepherds not Kings, Caesar’s, and nobles. Jesus will spend his time with “real people” like us.
- King Herod is threatened by the birth of Jesus. Herod’s power is threatened by the One who truly has power.
- When Jesus was dedicated at the Temple of Jerusalem as was the custom of that day a man by the name of Simeon knew who Jesus was and what he would be about. This is what he said to Mary, “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” Luke 2:34
- The Wise Men come from afar reminding us that Jesus is for all people and not just some.
All the stories point to who Jesus is and what he would do for us. A good reminder for us before we put Christmas back into storage until next year.

God bless you and Merry Christmas,
Pr. Ben